The beginning of an artwork or a body of artwork is at times an elusive place with infinite boundaries. This statement is not meant to belittle the importance of finding some form of closure, which exhibitions often generate, but rather to acknowledge that the beginning of an artwork is often private for good reason. Often the line between process and product is defined by the single statement "this is art;" however it seems more likely that a work of art has several points of gestation and completion. I think it is important for artists and others to question and define the systems that lead to an artwork's "completion."

This collection of napkins is obviously in its infancy, and I do not consider it a work of art, but rather a gathering of objects that speak to some central issues in my work. My work often evolves from accumulations, both physical and ideological. I am interested in everyday objects and the way their forms speak to their underlying functions. Observations in everyday life often generate the simple question: why?
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