bed in for peace home



BED-IN #1:



press release






The only tyrant I accept in this world is the still voice within.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

For 48-hours starting on Friday, October 21st artists Amy Berk and Andy Cox, in residence at New Pacific Studio, Masterton, New Zealand, stayed in bed, fasted and meditated on world peace. This was Bed-In #1.

The action resulted from a feeling of hopelessness and despair in the wake of the events in New York and Afghanistan. The action was inspired by Yoko Ono's and John Lennon's Bed-In to protest the Vietnam War.

During the event we held a global video conference over the internet using the free IVISIT application. During the 48-hours we conversed with people from many countries including: Pakistan, Israel, Palestine, USA, Korea, Great Britain, and Australia.

We learnt that there are many people who want peace, and more importantly who have concrete ideas for how war can be avoided to resolove disputes. We learnt it is time for individuals to take back the power from those who would lead us to fascism.

Transcripts from Bed #1 are available on this site. We hope these will inspire people to conduct their own bed-ins. We ourselves will undertake more bed-ins if this insane war continues. Meanwhile, if you have your own bed-in or other action, please let us know so we can link to you.

Lastly, a sincere thank you to all those from around the world who participated in this collaborative event, especially those who stuck with us and gave us support throughout the event.


Amy Berk and Andy Cox

Masterton, New Zealand
November, 2001

amy and andy bed-in