Re: the rich

From: John (
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 07:24:05 PDT

Being rich has problems, one being that you better not
talk about the problem to anyone who is not rich, the
other being that there is no topic more interesting to
talk about than the problems of being rich.

When I got rich listening to the rich complain endlessly
about their special problems, I told myself if you want to stay
rich be sure to never talk about it or people who are not
rich will do their very best to relieve you of your problem.

So I don't talk about being rich, instead practice being unrich,
imitate the unrich, lie about how tough it is being poor,
how much I hate the rich, hit the rich up for contributions,
attack miserliness. Wink knowingly.

With the rich I commiserate, tend their wounds, share
their pain, swap stories about being hounded by the
unrich, moan tales of trust betrayed, wink knowingly.

And quietly, methodically go about grabbing from the rich
and unrich as much as possible in order to give it all
to a select few for a year or two, then cut it off without
explanation, to rip hearts and rend minds.

This is a formula I learned from the unrich and the rich
who had been around the track holding hands whispering
how to keep off the books of the Man.

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