
From: ef (
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 12:19:34 PDT

no, not *that* kinda progress.... :-)

by progress i mean that i have managed to pull off a few things. and
since people here contribute to my pulling off things, (ever
grateful, i am), i keep you updated.

i have transferred money to the revs and have told them how it is to
be distributed:

4,000,000 lei (about $140) to jozsi, he is to pick it up tomorrow.
this is for iren's medicines which are fucking expensive and which
they have not been able to buy, and also so he can pay something to
the nurses at the hospital. he is the one who has been at the
hospital all day, taking care of his wife, the nurses refuse to do so
unless he pays them. fucking assholes. i talked to him yesterday, he
sounds awful. he had been fishing at the poluted river so the kids
have something to eat. anyways, what we are sending him will help him
over the next month or two... it is not enough for iren's operation,
but now the doctors are demanding 15 million for that and at that
there is no guarantee she would survive it. so that's not an option,
at this time. we don't have enough.

1,500,000 (55 bucks) lei to the grandfather to finally get water in
the house. they have to dig up the ground cause the pipes are rusted
out. the grandfather and a friend of his will do the work, we are
providing the money for the materials.

$200 for the continues support of the grandfather and katika. this is
for their weekly 10 bucks.

and i sent a bit more for sundry things like paying the gas bill and
for a graduation from 1st grade present for katika.

this is the money i transferred, there remains in the account about
150 bucks. for the emergencies which *will* come up, and also cause i
need to figure out some way to help melinda+kids but i haven't
figured out how, yet. any ideas would be welcome. i hear the police
are getting very harsh again and gyuszika got busted for begging.

the reverend noemi is 8 1/2 months preggies so she is kinda limited
in how she can help. she can't go out to buy them food or anything
like that... and we dare not give them money directly cause their
father will just take it. noemi does try to help... i mean, besides
the fact that she really doesn't like gypsies... hell, i can deal
with that as long as i keep calm. she means well, she tries. i guess
fear and hatred is cvlturally inbred. and you cannot change yourself
unless you are willing to honestly face yourself. something like that.

i wish i could go there again. i can do so much more when i am there.
you know, no one ever read those kids stories, before me.

janoska tells everyone that if he washes all his clothes i will come
and get him.


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