I/O/D 4: 'The Web Stalker'

Version 1.0

Revised 5/12/97

Known technical issues and Tips for using The Web Stalker

Dialogue boxes:

Changed characters / can't point the Crawler at a specific URL

We are aware that sometimes URLs get corrupted when typed into the "Open URL" dialogue box and passed to the Crawler. Whilst we'd like you to be able to type a URL starting with "www." you may need to include the "http://www." at the start of the URL for the Stalker to connect correctly.

Moving & resizing windows

If you click the mouse over a window and keep holding the mouse-button down, the Web Stalker will get the message that you want to move or resize that particular window. While the Web Stalker is smart, it's also got alot to do, so bear with it while it prioritizes things and lets you do whatever you wanted to do with the window.

Exchange Map and Stash files

Why not save Maps and Stash files and exchange them with other Web Stalker users?

Future releases

Keep an eye on the I/O/D Web site for information regarding updates and events concerning the Web Stalker at www.backspace.org/iod